It Is Finished Week 5 | Tuesday

If you’ve ever had to say goodbye to someone, you treasure the last words spoken.  You remember what was said.  You hold on to those final words.  For Lent in 2021, we are focusing on the last words of Jesus from the cross.  What did he say?  What does it mean for us?  How do those words change us?  This week, we focus on the word “distress.”  The end is drawing near and Jesus says just two words, “I thirst”. And with these words he reveals both genuine human pain and the God who left nothing undone to secure your salvation.

Invitation Prayer
O God, “may my prayer come before you; turn your ear to my cry” (Psalm 88:2). Relieve my distress. Satisfy my needs. Hear my prayer. Amen.

O Father in heaven, you made me to desire you above all else. To follow hard after you in all things. To live on every word you speak. And yet my desire for you is often small. My obedience is fleeting. I listen to other voices. Forgive my sin for the sake of Jesus. Amen.

“In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help.”  (Ps. 18:6)

Many of us resist tears.  We don’t like to admit our need.  We don’t want a pity party.  We don’t want to be someone’s charity case. We don’t want to show weakness.  How often do we conceal our distress and keep our tears inside?  We resist crying until we finally burst.  In the Psalms we see that it’s okay to cry.  We are given an example of letting out our distress.  It is not to just anyone that we cry, but “to my God,” and before “the Lord.”  He knows our tears and what causes them.  He comes with help.  What distresses do you see today? God of the tearful, I cry to you.  I am not ashamed to do so before you.  See my distress and hear my prayer.  Amen.

Sending Prayer
Lord Jesus, you promised to give living water to all who ask. Satisfy my thirsty soul and fill me to overflowing. Send me in your name. May your abundant life flow through me to others.  Amen. 

*Today’s devotion is taken from It Is Finished by Jeff Cloeter, published by CTA – Christ to All at