It Is Finished Week 6 | Thursday

If you’ve ever had to say goodbye to someone, you treasure the last words spoken.  You remember what was said.  You hold on to those final words.  For Lent in 2021, we are focusing on the last words of Jesus from the cross.  What did he say?  What does it mean for us?  How do those words change us?  Today we focus on the word “trust.”  Jesus called from the cross, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” (Lk. 23:46).  What does it mean to trust someone?  Why do we often hold back?  How do we know God’s hands are trustworthy?

Invitation Prayer
O Lord, your scars are your trophies, proof of your unfailing love for me.  You have earned my trust.  I come to you in faith.  I cease my worry and mistrust.  I set aside all fears and faltering.  I place my life into your hands.  Receive me.  Amen.

It is hard to trust someone with the most vulnerable parts of our lives.  We hesitate to share our secrets, sins, and shame.  David gives us a model to follow.  He said in Psalm 31:14, “But in you I trust, O LORD; I say, ‘You are my God.’”  We can trust the One who sees our sin and still stays.  So we approach God in faith:  Father, I confess all my sins and failings to you.  I am haunted by the guilt of my past, the sins of my present, and my fear of the future.   Forgive me, God.  I trust you.  Amen. 

“But I have trusted in your steadfast love.”  (Ps. 13:5)

Why trust God?  On what basis?  So many people have let us down.  We thought they would treat us well.  We assumed they had our back, but they failed us. 

The word for “steadfast love” in the Old Testament reflects a love that is proven day in and day out.  It is love demonstrated over time and by real actions.  God doesn’t just say the word “love,” but he acts upon it.  His steadfast love is steady, day in and day out. 

The time he rescued you. 

Every blessing he gave you. 

When you had nowhere else to turn. 

When he gave you hope. 

Ultimately, the cross is the perfect picture of his steadfast love.  It is a demonstration of his heart.  This is why we trust him.  Think of a time when you experienced God’s steadfast love. 

Love Divine, you have proven yourself to me in your sacrifice.  I trust you.  Teach me to love like you.  Amen.

Sending Prayer
Into your hands, O Lord.  We place our fears and failures.
Into your hands, O Lord.  We place our present and future. 
Into your hands, O Lord.  We commit our bodies, souls, and all we have.  In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

*Today’s devotion is taken from It Is Finished by Jeff Cloeter, published by CTA – Christ to All at