Before and After Week 2 | Sunday

After that day, everything was different.  The first disciples witnessed a dead man walking.  Their lives would be forever changed, defined by “life before Easter” and life “life after Easter.”  On numerous occasions, Jesus showed up in resurrected form before he ascended.  In the season of Easter we will examine six “after Easter” encounters with Jesus.  What did he say and do?  In what practical ways does resurrection change my daily life?  Nothing will ever be the same.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

Father, Almighty, you alone are God.  I submit to your care.  I ask for your help.  Defend me.  Open your arms to embrace me; through Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen. 

Father, I confess all my sins and failings to you.When discouraged, I lose heart. When blessed, I only want more.When criticized, I get angry.When tempted by pleasure, I give in.When challenged, I cower in fear. When commanded by you, I choose my own way instead of yours.  Forgive me.  I have done wrong.

“’Do not disbelieve, but believe.'” (John 20:27)

Today’s meditation is by Paul Dickerson.

“Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Jesus makes it sound so simple. And maybe for some of us belief comes easily. But sometimes I wonder if Christians have  become so used to the account of the Jesus’s resurrection that we’ve forgotten just how remarkable and in-credible this claim can sound.

Think about someone you know and love who has died in the last year or so. You attended the visitation. You saw them in the casket. You were there when they were buried or saw their ashes after cremation. And now imagine someone coming to you and saying that they saw that friend or family member alive again. Spoke with them. Had a message for you from them. It would be unbelievable. In-credible. Maybe even offensive and hurtful.

And yet Christians believe that a man who died – and stayed dead for three days – is not dead anymore. We believe that Jesus is alive now. That he has a resurrected body, now. The resurrection is an incredible thing to believe in.

“Do not disbelieve, but believe.” To believe doesn’t mean having all of your questions answered. And it’s more than simply having the right information or knowledge. In the Bible, to believe means to trust. Jesus is calling Thomas to trust in him. To believe that he is trustworthy. That he will forgive your sins and heal your hurts and raise you to new life. And that not even death can stop him.

Of course we are in a different situation than Thomas. He got to see Jesus. We have only heard about him. But Jesus has that covered too. In the very next sentence, Jesus says “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Jesus is talking about you. You are part of the story and you have a role to play. And so like Thomas and all the other disciples, Jesus is calling you to trust in him.

“Do not disbelieve, but believe.”

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,for his steadfast love endures forever.Give thanks to the God of gods,for his steadfast love endures forever.Give thanks to the Lord of lords,for his steadfast love endures forever;  (Ps. 136:1-3)