Before and After Week 3 | Friday

After that day, everything was different.  The first disciples witnessed a dead man walking.  Their lives would be forever changed, defined by “life before Easter” and life “life after Easter.”  On numerous occasions, Jesus showed up in resurrected form before he ascended.  In the season of Easter we will examine six “after Easter” encounters with Jesus.  What did he say and do?  In what practical ways does resurrection change my daily life?  Nothing will ever be the same. 

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

O God, you are the beginning, the middle, and the end.  You are all in all.  Lead me.  Help me.  Forgive me.  Keep me from wandering and weariness.  Keep my love ready and willing to serve You by serving others.  Praise and honor be to You, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God now and forever.  Amen.

O God, how can I believe without your help.  I am filled with doubt.  “What about . . . ?”  “Is it really true?”  “How do I really know you’re there?  That you’re listening?  That you care about me?”  I confess with honesty all my fear and disbelief.  Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.  Melt me.  Mold me.  Fill me.  Use me.  I believe; help my unbelief. 

“‘You are witnesses of these things.’” Luke 24:48

Today’s meditation is written by Julianna Shults.

I am not an outdoors person. The wilderness does not call to me with its bugs, weather, and challenging terrain. I prefer being curled up with a book in my temperature-controlled and wildlife-free home. I have, however, been coerced into small mountain hikes that require no training or supplies, just perseverance. 

The beauty of these hikes is not evident at the start. From a non-descript parking lot, you walk on upward paths for hours with very little to encourage you except your friends and the hope of something more. Further along, you start to see glimpses of majestic landscapes. Once you are properly sweaty, sore and full of regret, you hit the peak to finally take in the extraordinary panoramic of nature all around you. 

Sometimes the best views don’t come until after the hardest part. 

Jesus had gathered His disciples years ago with the promise of making them fishers of men. Jesus had no wealth or power to draw them to him. Yet they followed. As they did, they struggled to understand while only getting glimpses of Jesus’ glory and power. In utter confusion and pain, they thought Jesus’ death was the end. 

After the resurrection, the disciples get a view like no other. Jesus explains how God’s living and active Word spans thousands of years telling us of God’s plan to conquer sin, death and the devil and give full restoration with Him in eternity. It is so vast their minds had to be opened by God to comprehend it. Those disciples, once confused, now see fully the beautiful, loving work of God which has all pointed to Jesus. 

After you have completed a mountain hike, you don’t keep it to yourself. You post pictures and share what you saw from the summit. You try to capture how it made you feel. The view is too good to hide; you want others to experience it too. 

Jesus gives the disciples understanding of God’s story for more than just themselves. Jesus says to the disciples, “You are witnesses of these things.” Jesus sends them out to tell everyone because forgiveness of sins and eternal life through faith in Jesus’ cannot be hidden. 

We, like the disciples, have the Holy Spirit to show us the magnificent Gospel clearly. We are witnesses to a view we want all to see. May we share the beautiful story of God’s love in Jesus that runs deep through the ages and brings all things together. 

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for being the center of our salvation story from the start. We are sorry when our doubt and difficulty keeps us from seeing it. Help us to have eyes to see the awesome work you have done for us. Give us your Holy Spirit to help us share it with others so they can see it too. In your name we pray, Amen.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.  Amen.  (Rom. 15:13)