Before and After Week 4 | Sunday

After that day, everything was different.  The first disciples witnessed a dead man walking.  Their lives would be forever changed, defined by “life before Easter” and life “life after Easter.”  On numerous occasions, Jesus showed up in resurrected form before he ascended.  In the season of Easter we will examine six “after Easter” encounters with Jesus.  What did he say and do?  In what practical ways does resurrection change my daily life?  Nothing will ever be the same.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

Father, Almighty, you alone are God.  I submit to your care.  I ask for your help.  Defend me.  Open your arms to embrace me; through Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen. 

Father, I confess all my sins and failings to you.When discouraged, I lose heart. When blessed, I only want more.When criticized, I get angry.When tempted by pleasure, I give in.When challenged, I cower in fear. When commanded by you, I choose my own way instead of yours.  Forgive me.  I have done wrong.

Word “Jesus said to them, ‘Come and have breakfast.’” John 21:12

Today’s meditation is by Paul Dickerson.

What does Jesus think of me? I imagine this was the question going through Peter’s head as he stood there on the beach with Jesus. A few moments before he had been fishing in a boat with his friends. After a long night with no luck a stranger had suggested they try the other side of the boat. Miraculously their nets filled with fish and in that moment the stranger is revealed as Jesus.

Peter jumps overboard, swimming furiously for shore. He leaves everything behind – his friends, his boat, perhaps the greatest catch of his life. Everything is forgotten in his single-minded purpose to get to Jesus. And now he’s standing on the shore alone with Jesus.

Of course there’s an elephant in the room. Perhaps an awkward silence ensues. Aside from the appearances on Easter evening and a week later, this is the first time Jesus and Peter have been face to face since that night. That night Peter had denied Jesus three times, just like Jesus said would happen.

Jesus knows Peter inside and out. Even better than Peter knows himself. Jesus knows Peter’s hopes and dreams. His strengths and weaknesses. His past and future. And yes, every one of Peter’s sins. What does Jesus think of me? It’s vulnerable to be completely known.

And yet Jesus doesn’t chastise Peter or reject him. He doesn’t write him off or cast him aside. But instead he invites him to come. The one who denied Jesus is forgiven and restored. He’s given a seat at the table and a place to belong. Yes, Jesus knows Peter completely. And he also loves him completely.

And just like Jesus knows Peter inside and out, he knows you completely too. Your hopes and dreams. Your past and future. And all of your sins too. And just like Peter, Jesus loves you completely. You too are invited to come and eat. You too are given a place to belong. 

And like Peter and the other disciples,  you too are sent to love and serve in Jesus’s name. This is what it means to belong to Jesus. To be known and loved. To be given a place and a purpose. You belong.

Lord Jesus, you know me completely. My joys and sorrows. My strengths and sins. And you love me completely. Thank you for bringing me into your kingdom and giving me a place to belong. Send me by your Spirit to serve others in your name.  Amen.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,for his steadfast love endures forever.Give thanks to the God of gods,for his steadfast love endures forever.Give thanks to the Lord of lords,for his steadfast love endures forever;  (Ps. 136:1-3)