The Acts Alliance Week 3 | Wednesday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

“While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then after fasting and praying, they laid their hands on them and sent them off.” Acts 13:2-3

Today’s meditation is written by Allison Lewis.  

In high school, I had the opportunity to participate in two separate mission trips to Tetlin, Alaska. To get there requires a plane ride to Anchorage, followed by an eight-hour drive northeast on long, winding, highways through the mountains and forests. Tetlin is one of the most remote places I’ve ever seen. It’s also one of the most tranquil and beautiful examples of God’s creation.

Tetlin is also a tiny village that is home to the Athabascan Indian people. As you could probably guess, we came from very different backgrounds. They spoke their own native language, had special traditions that they shared together, and they also lived a completely different way of life. From the outside, it was easy to see the differences.

But we had one thing in common: a shared belief in Jesus Christ. While on mission in Tetlin, I was able to interact with the children of the village and teach them songs about Jesus, read Bible stories and help them learn about God’s creation. I spoke with tribal elders at evening prayer services and made meals to serve each day. As Paul writes in Acts 13:2-3, I was doing the work to which I was called.

Pause for a minute—what work has the Lord called you to do? What has he set you apart to accomplish for his kingdom? For some, it might be teaching students or coaching a team of young athletes. For others, it could be leading a company or mentoring a new employee or volunteering your time. Don’t forget the sacred work of doctors, nurses, and first responders, too.

One of my favorite authors, Bob Goff, states it this way: he says, “Love does.” Love is more than a word—it’s a state of doing. Love requires action. It requires you and me to overcome the differences we see and do the work that the Spirit has called us to in our communities. Just as Barnabas and Saul were called to spread the Gospel, you and I are also set apart to share that saving message with others. 

Let’s get to work.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for setting us apart to do the work to which you have called us. Open our minds and hearts to listen to your Spirit, that we may touch the lives of those around us. Amen.

Prayer for My Local Church

  • For my local congregation.  My pastors, leaders, and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  I name them . . .
  • For the Spirit’s power to gather and enlarge our congregation.
  • For courage to speak the hope that is within us.
  • For our church to serve and bear witness to our city, town, neighborhood, and community. 
  • For our church to walk together in unity.  Quell any division and build us up in love and humility. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  (II Cor. 13:14)