The Acts Alliance Week 3 | Friday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’” Acts 13:2

Today’s meditation is written by Koleen Barnes.

When I was young I disliked going to church for many reasons, but mainly because I had to be quiet. Admittedly, being quiet is something I still haven’t mastered at thirty, either. I was born a question-asker. Some may call this being nosey, but it has never felt that way to me. There is no malicious intent behind my questions; I just genuinely want to know everything about every single person I meet or thing I see. This means that it is very difficult for me to be quiet.

Growing up, I thought the goal of church was to sit and be quiet, listening to the pastor tell us how not to sin. I thought the goal was to learn to be perfect. I understood that as I grew, I would have more knowledge and if I was quiet and listened long enough, I would be the perfect and sinless child of God we were all striving to be. As with all things in my life, as I grew in the church and attended confirmation classes, I also began to ask questions. Why doesn’t everyone believe this? What do other religions believe? Are their religions more popular than this one? Why do they believe that?

It didn’t take long for me to be shown that some churches don’t like questions. Some prefer for you to sit, listen, and leave only to return seven days later and repeat. They were telling me the truth, so why couldn’t I just accept that? So, I took a hiatus.

During this time, and since, I met people who believed in so many things that were so different from what I had been taught. Some believed in nature and others in science, a few believed in nothing at all. Overwhelmingly, they answered my questions. Slowly, some of these conversations turned to me and questions about my beliefs, and I was able to answer questions as well as ask them. I have never been good at quoting scripture or giving direct church-specific answers, but I can tell you what is in my heart and what my individual relationship with God looks like.

Some of my closest friends have completely different beliefs than I do, and we are constantly learning from each other. No matter the situation, station, or where they are in their personal journey, I have always known God was for them. Why would he put people in my life he didn’t care about? That is something I have never questioned. I see God shining through all of them.

Though it may be uncomfortable at times, asking questions is worth it. You just might find that most of the answers you seek were in others all along. Faith is no different than meeting someone new. The more you ask, the  more you understand each other. God knows that none of us are perfect and loves us anyway. He put all of us here together to be the answer to each other’s questions.

Prayer: Lord, today we ask that you keep our minds focused on you. We look to you to show us the answers to our questions. Today, Lord, we ask for your help in remembering that we have more in common with each other than we know. Amen.

For the Mission of God Through the Church

  • Give us, who are your sent ones, your compassion for your lost ones.
  • Keep us from becoming so preoccupied with ourselves that we lose our sense and purpose of being on your mission. 
  • Preserve us from the paralysis of fear.  Help us glory in nothing save in the cross of Jesus Christ.
  • For missionaries in hard-to-reach places around the world.
  • For Christians who are living under intense persecution, who risk their lives for the name of Jesus Christ. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  (II Cor. 13:14)