The Acts Alliance Week 6 | Wednesday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

“When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose.” (Acts 11:23)

Today’s meditation is written by Julianna Shults.  

A few weeks ago, a group of young people who have trained to be pastors and deaconesses were sent to their vicarages, internships and first Calls. Each year I pray fervently for these new church workers, and I remember exactly how that felt. Not so long ago I sat in a room (along with the esteemed Daniel Meyer) waiting to hear where I would spend my yearlong DCE internship. I remember the heart-pounding, stomach-in-knots feeling of having a church and location announced, knowing it would be home in just a matter of weeks.

It can be easy for us to see and limit being sent by God to just church workers, missionaries, those in extraordinary circumstances. But being sent doesn’t have anything to do with distance or role; it has everything to do with purpose.

In Acts 11, Barnabas is sent to Antioch. He sees how God is at work in His people there. They are learning together and sharing the good news of Jesus. They have been loved by God and forgiven through Jesus. They are sent, and Barnabas exhorts them to continue to be faithful to God’s steadfast purpose.

In the same way, each of us has roles and responsibilities every day where we shine the light of Jesus in word and deed. Just like in Antioch, God gathers us in congregations where we can study God’s Word, be filled with the Sacraments, and be supported as we are sent every day. Because of what God has done for us, we are filled with his purpose.

Young people go into their schools empowered by the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel in ways they know might be unpopular. Young adults decide to pursue work they know won’t bring high pay or recognition because they know it will provide opportunities to share Jesus’ love. I have seen older adults dedicate their retirement to caring for marginalized populations around them.

God selflessly sent his son for us, so that we might be sent with a steadfast purpose. Through our Baptism, God gives us his Spirit so we can be his hands and feet in the world. Perhaps you will be sent somewhere far away. Or maybe you will be sent to your neighbors, friends, and co-workers. Maybe you will be sent to support ministries and church workers across the city.

In the end, being sent isn’t about our location. It’s about remaining faithful in response to God’s gift of faith which empowers us to share the love of Jesus wherever we go. Go be sent with steadfast purpose wherever you go today and every day.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us a purpose and sending us in your Name to love others. Remind us of how we are sent when our role seems small and unimportant. Forgive us when we fail to share Jesus with others. Give us your Spirit so we may be faithful in big and little ways as we are sent. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer for My Local Church

  • For my local congregation.  My pastors, leaders, and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  I name them . . .
  • For the Spirit’s power to gather and enlarge our congregation.
  • For courage to speak the hope that is within us.
  • For our church to serve and bear witness to our city, town, neighborhood, and community. 
  • For our church to walk together in unity.  Quell any division and build us up in love and humility. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  (II Cor. 13:14)