The Acts Alliance Week 6 | Friday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

“So the disciples determined, every one according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea.” (Acts 11:29)

Today’s meditation is written by Koleen Barnes.

Several years ago I heard a sermon by Bobby Walston that asked three questions:

  1. What is God calling you to do?
  2. How is it benefiting others?
  3. What are you uniquely qualified to do?

I found these questions so impactful that I wrote them in the notepad on my phone the day I heard this sermon and have referred back to them several times. Contemplating these questions and praying on them has helped me through career changes, navigating personal obligations, and deciding where to focus my attention over the last several years.

When we are growing up, it is easy to think that the only people impacting our faith and the growth of our church are missionaries who uproot their lives and move across the globe. The work these people do is important, but is not always practical for everyone. So why don’t we think about being sent on a smaller scale?

One of my favorite parts of church is when we are wrapping up and our pastors say “You are loved by God and sent by him. Have a great week!” I think part of why I like this message so much is because it reminds me that though I am not moving across the globe, I am still sent to my little corner of the world. I also know that in order for the church to do great things, I must first do the small things.

God is calling all of us in one way or another. I think all of us have that little bit of Isaiah within us saying to God “send me,” but we don’t always know where we are being sent. Not all of us will be sent into war zones or distant places, or even cities where being a Christian is dangerous. Some of us will simply be sent to work, to church, to school, to fill the roles we are uniquely qualified to do.

I may not be a good public speaker, but I can make a mean batch of cookies. I don’t hold on to hope that I will be a great athlete, but I will always answer my phone when a friend needs a listening ear. Each of us are uniquely made stitches that weave together the tapestry of what it means to be human and each of our individual stitches link with the others to make a beautifully woven and unique family.

In times when I feel stationary or when I don’t know where to direct my attention, I come back to these questions and they haven’t let me down yet. If questions aren’t your thing, try out these statements:

  1. I am called by God and sent by Him.
  2. The work I do benefits others.
  3. I am uniquely qualified to fill all of the roles in my life, no matter how small.

Prayer: Lord, we ask that you keep sending us, every day. Keep the spirit of Isaiah alive within us and keep it pushing us to want to be sent. Help us to focus on the areas we are uniquely qualified to impact.

For the Mission of God Through the Church

  • Give us, who are your sent ones, your compassion for your lost ones.
  • Keep us from becoming so preoccupied with ourselves that we lose our sense and purpose of being on your mission. 
  • Preserve us from the paralysis of fear.  Help us glory in nothing save in the cross of Jesus Christ.
  • For missionaries in hard-to-reach places around the world.
  • For Christians who are living under intense persecution, who risk their lives for the name of Jesus Christ. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  (II Cor. 13:14)