The Original Pattern | Week Three- Saturday

Rest is good.  We’re taking a break from producing content over the summer.  Enjoy this previously produced pattern and meditation.

With all the noise in the world, do you hear the voice of God?  Your calendar tells you what to do, but do you remember who you are?  Being comes before doing.  This is a call to put first things first.  Return to the Lord with this daily pattern of prayer and devotion.  Set aside this time as a sanctuary.  Find a space free of distraction and follow this pattern.

Making the sign of the cross, I say,
Your people are called by your name.  We call upon you and demons flee.  I begin today in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Invitation Prayer
O God, forgive me when my life is less than fruitful.  Be patient with me when I don’t live as you have created me to live.  Prune me because I want to bear fruit for you.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.  ​

Paul said in Romans, “Shall we go on sinning that grace may increase?”  Father, I confess that I have abused your grace by treating it lightly, flippantly, even disrespectfully.  You forgive me, and I keep coming back with the same sins.  You cleanse me, and I have not amended my life.  You have mercy, and I remain as I have always been.  I have desecrated what was costly.  I have cheapened your love.  I’m the one at fault.  But I see the cross.  I know your love cost something, the life of your Son.  Because of him, I ask you, “Will you forgive me once again?” 

Word: Luke 13:6-9
And he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none.  And he said to the vinedresser, ‘Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?’  And he answered him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure.  Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.’”

What happens if Christians don’t bear fruit?  What if we don’t love as Christ has loved us?  What if we don’t follow his commands?  What if we are more “barren” than “fruitful”?

The Law says, “Cut it down.”  Our sin is judged.  We have not lived as our Creator intended.  We have violated our very nature by refusing to be who God has called us to be.  “Cut it down” is a word of just judgement.  

But there is gospel.  “Let it alone.”  Withhold the judgement.  Be patient with the tree.  Put some manure around it, messy as it may be.  The manure will be fertilizer to bless the tree and produce fruit.  

When the Law says, “Cut it down,” Jesus says, “Father, forgive them.”  Jesus is our only handle of hope when the Law has rightfully convicted us.  We don’t deserve his patience, but he gives it nonetheless. On days when we are less than fruitful, Christ our Vine bears with us, forgives us, and calls us back to life-giving connection with him.  

Prayer for the Church

  • For my local congregation, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • For Christians across my community and city.
  • For my denomination or church body.
  • For repentance where God’s people have failed or erred.
  • For the mission of God given to his people, that all nations know Him.
  • For the church where she is persecuted for Christ’s name.
  • For church plants and mission frontiers.
  • For workers in the harvest: pastors, teachers, evangelists, servants.
  • For the everyday, ordinary Christian to serve and witness as the priesthood of all believers.
  • For the small, overlooked, and undervalued parts of the body of Christ. 

Lord of the Church, you have made us your own people.  Show us your way.  Lead us in truth.  Give us life abundant to share with the world.  Amen.