Backwards Kingdom | Week Two- Wednesday

Rest is good.  We’re taking a break from producing content over the summer.  Enjoy this previously produced pattern and meditation.

With all the noise in the world, do you hear the voice of God?  Your calendar tells you what to do, but do you remember who you are?  Being comes before doing.  This is a call to put first things first.  Return to the Lord with this daily pattern of prayer and devotion.  Set aside this time as a sanctuary.  Find a space free of distraction and follow this pattern.

Make the sign of the cross, and say,
 In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Invitation Prayer
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.”  (Matt. 5:6)  O Lord, you are my sole satisfaction.  I am hungry and thirsty for righteousness.  I long for you.  Amen.

Word:   Matthew 5:16
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”  


The world attempts to shine with flare, flash, and bling.  Everyone is getting in line with what someone else is doing.  People are chasing power, position, and popularity.  

Disciples of Jesus are different.  They don’t want to be a puppet.  They don’t want to play the popular game.  They aren’t motivated by resume-building or money-chasing.  They don’t want to do what everyone else is doing. 

How does Jesus make you extraordinary?  Jesus said, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matt. 5:16)  Disciples of Jesus shine by doing “good works” that give glory to God. 

What are those good works?  Jesus begins to describe the Kingdom virtues and values in the rest of the Sermon on the Mount.  In the coming weeks, we’ll look closely at some of them.  Here are some examples of the extraordinary ways that Jesus’ people shine:

“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”  

“Do for others what you would have them do for you.”  

“Be reconciled to your brother or sister who has something against you.”  

“Don’t be anxious about tomorrow.”  

“Seek first the kingdom of God.”  

Certainly, our “good works,” are not done to earn God’s favor.  They are a response to his favor.  This is the extraordinary life, a reflection of our extraordinary Savior.  Is there a “good work” you can identify this week?  A specific action that will give glory to the Father? 

Prayer for Daily Callings 
·        For my occupation, workplace, coworkers.
·        For my work to be good for others, an extension of God’s love and care.
·        For the unemployed.
·        For growth in my career; not to work for a paycheck but for you and others. 
·        For discernment, if I should pursue another job or direction in life.
·        For my callings at home as spouse, son/daughter, brother/sister.
·        For schools, teachers, classmates. 
·        For eyes to see God’s work around me this day.  For the courage to participate in it. 
·        Not to be comfortable in my callings, but to be useful. 

Closing Prayer
Father in heaven, we want to be your agents on earth.  Prepare “good works” for us to do, a life that clearly points to you.  Our lives are yours.  Show us how to live them to your glory.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.