Backwards Kingdom | Week Five- Thursday

Rest is good.  We’re taking a break from producing content over the summer.  Enjoy this previously produced pattern and meditation.

With all the noise in the world, do you hear the voice of God?  Your calendar tells you what to do, but do you remember who you are?  Being comes before doing.  This is a call to put first things first.  Return to the Lord with this daily pattern of prayer and devotion.  Set aside this time as a sanctuary.  Find a space free of distraction and follow this pattern.

Make the sign of the cross, and say,
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Invitation Prayer
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”  (Matt. 5:7)  You are the great Giver of mercy.  Move me to show your mercy.  Amen.  

Word: Matthew 6:33
Seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.

Think of a place where it seems like God is hiding.  Where in your life is God unseen?  You might know people struggling with the coronavirus.  You might have health issues.  Maybe your family is fractured.  You might be financially broke, lonely, or depressed.  Where in your life does God seem unseen? 

In the book The Little Prince, the prince says, “What is most essential is invisible to the eye.”  Could God be showing you the most essential thing?  Jesus was at the home of Mary and Martha when he said, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious about many things, but one thing is necessary.”  God often hides so that we seek him.   So that you find him and him alone.  He is the “one thing necessary.”  When he is “hidden” we are compelled to seek him, and in faith we find his merciful salvation. 

Prayer for Neighbors

·        For my immediate geographical neighbors.
·        For my community, neighborhood, town/city.
·        For neighbors hurting from broken families, addiction, violence, abuse, poverty, sickness.
·        For the eyes of the Good Samaritan, to see and help my neighbor in need.

Closing Prayer
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  It’s hard to see what you are doing.  But I know you are the God of steadfast love.  So I seek you, your kingdom, and your righteousness.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.  ​