Backwards Kingdom | Week Five- Friday

Rest is good.  We’re taking a break from producing content over the summer.  Enjoy this previously produced pattern and meditation.

With all the noise in the world, do you hear the voice of God?  Your calendar tells you what to do, but do you remember who you are?  Being comes before doing.  This is a call to put first things first.  Return to the Lord with this daily pattern of prayer and devotion.  Set aside this time as a sanctuary.  Find a space free of distraction and follow this pattern.

Invitation Prayer
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”  (Matt. 5:8)  O Lord, you see all things.  Purify my heart that I may see you clearly.  Amen.  

Word:  Matthew 6:6
But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.  And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

In the world, it’s important to be seen.  We are told we have to be noticed.  Gain attention, admiration, and affection.  Be liked.  Be popular.  The religious leaders of Jesus’ day fell into this temptation.  They flaunted their piety in public to be noticed.  They wanted to be respected and admired.

Jesus reckons with the superficial flash and bling.  When you pray, don’t do it out on the street corners for everyone to see.  “But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret.  And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”  (Matt. 6:6)  Your Father sees you when no one else does.  Your Father knows, when no one else knows.   What is seen is often just an appearance.  The most real things are unseen.  Your Father is working in your life in unseen ways.  His view of you is of ultimate significance.  

Prayer for the World

·        For my city, state, and country.
·        For leaders: mayor, governor, president, congress.
·        For those who serve the public: police officers, firefighters, teachers, first responders, medical   personnel.
·        For the nations of the world, for world leaders.
·        For good government, good schools, good business.
·        For justice, especially for the oppressed: minorities, immigrants and refugees, orphans, widows, the very young or unborn, the aged. 
·        For creation:  for the care of land, air, wildlife, and sea. 

Closing Prayer
Father, I seek you in my secret place of prayer.  I trust you see and hear me.  Forgive my sinful heart that seeks approval and attention.  All I want is you.  Amen.