Reopening the Bible | Week Five (Messiah)- Thursday

With all the noise in the world, do you hear the voice of God?  Your calendar tells you what to do, but do you remember who you are?  Being comes before doing.  This is a call to put first things first.  Return to the Lord with this daily pattern of prayer and devotion.  Set aside this time as a sanctuary.  Find a space free of distraction and follow this pattern.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

Risen Christ, by your death and resurrection you brought dawn to darkness.  You have made a new way, from death to life, cross to crown, grave to glory.  We are frail creatures in a world of change and decay.  Rule over us in your resurrection power.    Subdue sin and evil, disease and destruction.  We have nothing apart from you, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever, Amen. 

O Lord, I live a world of dead ends.   There is always an end.  An end to my energy.  My time.  My love.  My patience.  My money.  My very life.  I am trapped by limits.  I am burdened by my frail, finite limits.   I have exhausted all other options.  Nothing else satisfies.  You burst forth from the grave to give me life beyond the horizon.  You are my singular hope, my only prayer.  Risen Savior, have mercy on my dead ends.  

Word: Luke 23:46
“Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!’ And having said this he breathed his last.”

Meditation: The Nine Rules, Summarized
Today’s meditation is written by Koleen Barnes.

In 2018, film and movie actor Chris Pratt won MTV’s Generation award. In his acceptance speech, he gave “The 9 Rules for Life.” They ranged from not being a bully, the best way to give your dog medicine, the fact that you have a soul and need to be careful with it, how to properly use the bathroom at a party, the fact that God is real, encouragement to learn how to pray, and finally, that nobody is perfect. He goes on to say that the world will tell you that you are perfect, and you are not, but there is a powerful force that designed you that way and if you believe that, then you also get grace that was bought with someone else’s blood. 

It is tough to capture the power this had over me upon first hearing it, and I find myself going back to listen to it several times a year. Who would have thought that the actor who plays such silly characters like Andy Dwyer and Starlord would write something so touching for a 30 something in mid-Missouri? 

I often forget in the needy moments of my life, that I am able to make so many requests of God because of his sacrifice. Sure, I know the crucifixion story, but I do not always do a good job of remembering it in my daily life. It is easy to forget that the One who controls all of this had me on his mind up there on that cross. He saw my whole life and forgave me for it. I am allowed to make so many requests of Him because he sacrificed everything for me. 

Chris Pratt also relates the freedom we have in this country to the freedom we have in Christ, though it pales in comparison. Both were bought with someone else’s blood and both are things that we commonly forget about and take for granted. I think part of the reason that I enjoy listening to this speech is because it mixes the silly with the serious and also gives me a glimpse into the life of someone so different from me who was just as much on Jesus’ mind at the crucifixion as I was. It helps me to remember not to take this gift of grace and this sacrifice for granted.

Heavenly Father, I pray that you help me to remember your sacrifice and what it meant for me, so many years later. I ask that you help me to remember to give others, and myself, the grace you have given me. 

The God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. To him be the dominion forever and ever. Amen.  (I Pet. 5:10-11)