Rejoice Week 1- Wednesday

We rejoice, for the Light of the World has come to darkness.  Jesus Christ is the Light that no darkness can overcome.  Advent is a season of preparation as God’s people watch and wait for Christ.  We will be pondering the songs found in the gospel of Luke.  The song of an old priest named Zechariah.  Mary, the pregnant teenager.  And angels come to shepherds in the countryside.  We ponder these songs and rejoice. 


Make the sign of the cross, and say,

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Invitation Prayer

Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. The light no darkness can overcome. 

Jesus, open our eyes to your light and our ears to your words of hope. Come, O long-expected Jesus. Our hope is in you. Amen. 

Word:  Luke 1:67-68
“And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying,

‘Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,

            for he has visited and redeemed his people…’”

Meditation: Doubt Turned to Praise
Today’s meditation is written by Anne Wolff
Nearly every morning on my drive into work, I call my mom. Somewhere in between talking about what’s for dinner and how much snow is in the forecast, I find myself using part of the time to vent. Challenges at work, friends facing a health crisis, a daughter struggling with a classmate at school, evenings that are overbooked with activities and commitments. I question how to handle sticky situations and focus on the negative in front of me. I unload. 

In Zechariah’s story, I would’ve expected him to unload on Elizabeth, on others, on God, after being made silent for nine months and then given the ability to speak again. Earlier in Luke, he was given good news that he and his wife would have a son. His response? Doubt. Questioning. Excuses. “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years” (Luke 1:18). He then goes nine long months without being able to speak, which must have felt like an eternity. No catching up with friends over dinner. No talking with neighbors while on a walk. No reading books to your kids before bed. No calling your mom on your drive to work. 

Zechariah is given a second chance. After his son is born and he names him John, just as the angel had instructed him to, he’s able to speak. We expect to hear complaints. Anger. Resentment. Venting. Unloading about what he endured for the last nine months. Instead, he broke his silence with a song of praise to God! His first go-round was disbelief. But now, given another chance, he is filled with joyous praise.

What are the first words out of our mouths, especially when enduring a challenge? We’re often quick to complain and be skeptical. We’re vocal when things fall short and silent when we should praise. In this season of Advent, as we prepare for the good news of Christmas, let’s prepare to be vocal. Praise God! Tell your neighbors, share it with your friends, even call your mom.

Jesus, when tempted to focus on the negativity in our lives, shift our hearts, thoughts, and words to songs of praise. Help us declare our faith and trust in you.

Prayer for Daily Callings

·        For my occupation, workplace, coworkers.

·        For my work to be good for others, an extension of God’s love and care.

·        For the unemployed.

·        For growth in my career; not to work for a paycheck but for you and others. 

·        For discernment, if I should pursue another job or direction in life.

·        For my callings at home as spouse, son/daughter, brother/sister.

·        For schools, teachers, classmates. 

·        For eyes to see God’s work around me this day.  For the courage to participate in it. 

·        Not to be comfortable in my callings, but to be useful. 

 Closing Prayer 

Heavenly Father, we live in a world full of tension. In your son you hold all tensions in perfect balance, justice and mercy, agony and ecstasy, law and Gospel.  Create in me deeper faith in you in the midst of tension.  Amen!