Rejoice Week 3- Friday

We rejoice, for the Light of the World has come to darkness.  Jesus Christ is the Light that no darkness can overcome.  Advent is a season of preparation as God’s people watch and wait for Christ.  We will be pondering the songs found in the gospel of Luke.  The song of an old priest named Zechariah.  Mary, the pregnant teenager.  And angels come to shepherds in the countryside.  We ponder these songs and rejoice. 


Make the sign of the cross, and say,

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Invitation Prayer

Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. The light no darkness can overcome. 

Jesus, open our eyes to your light and our ears to your words of hope. Come, O long-expected Jesus. Our hope is in you. Amen.


Word: Luke 2:13-14
“ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

 ‘Glory to God in the highest,
              and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!’”

Meditation: A Heavenly Chorus
Today’s meditation is written by Anne Wolff.

Every year at the end of November, my kids come home with sheets of music to start preparing for their Christmas programs. Over the next few weeks, they’ll practice solos, sing a chorus while walking around the house, hum a few of the tunes while brushing their teeth, and show us the actions to songs as they prepare. Though I could probably recite their lines and sing most of the songs, I’m always stopped in my tracks the night of the program. I sit in awe and the goosebumps start to creep in. While I’ve heard these songs on repeat at home for the past few weeks, and while I love the sound of my own children singing, the sound of 75 kids in unison takes it to another level. I’m tempted to jump in and sing along. A choir of energetic children sharing the Christmas story with smiles, conviction, and pure joy is a powerful proclamation.

After the birth of Jesus, a single angel appeared to the shepherds to share that, “today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” This is indeed good news. But one verse later in Luke 2:13-14, we learn that a great company of heavenly host then appear and join that one angel. Now a full choir enters singing, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”

The news of Jesus’ birth was not told by just one angel, rather a whole host of angels. From there, the shepherds would go to Bethlehem to see it for themselves, and then spread the word. Joy and praise would lead to witness.

During Advent, our hearts are filled with joy of who we know has come and who we know will come again. But it’s clear in Luke that joy is meant to be proclaimed and sung by choirs beyond the walls of our home. “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” All the people. The good news of Christmas is to be shared amongst our families, in our communities, and among the nations. This takes work. It takes effort. It takes a multitude of heavenly hosts. It takes you and me.

Just like the shepherds, we are called to go and tell. Tell of Jesus’ birth. Tell that He was born to save us from our sins. What a powerful proclamation, especially when told by a chorus.

Lord, in this Advent season, bring us together so our praise, worship, and sharing of the good news can reach far and wide. Amen.

Prayer for the World

·        For my city, state, and country.

·        For leaders: mayor, governor, president, congress.

·        For those who serve the public: police officers, firefighters, teachers, first responders, medical personnel.

·        For the nations of the world, for world leaders.

·        For good government, good schools, good business.

·        For justice, especially for the oppressed: minorities, immigrants and refugees, orphans, widows, the very young or unborn, the aged. 

·        For creation:  for the care of land, air, wildlife, and sea. 

Closing Prayer Heavenly Father, the condition and problems in my life require a miracle.  Thank you for the miracle of the incarnation of your son Jesus. Continue to work the miracle of your salvation and redemption of the world each day. Amen!