One Word Week 6- Saturday

One Word

This winter on The Daily Pattern we’re in a series called One Word. Each day we take one word – a feeling or circumstance – and bring a word from God to it. Let the Word of God speak to your life.

Make the sign of the cross, and say,
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

Invitation Prayer
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”  (Matt. 5:5)  O Lord, I am lowly and humble.  You alone are my inheritance.  Amen.  

“Candlemas” Poems by Malcolm Guite and Denise Levertov (prepared by Megan Roegner)

The Festival of Candlemas is observed on February 2 (40 days after Christmas) and  commemorates the presentation of the infant Jesus in the Temple as described in Luke 2. It is during Jesus’s presentation that Simeon gives us the familiar words, 

Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace,

    according to your word;

for my eyes have seen your salvation

that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,

 a light for revelation to the Gentiles,

    and for glory to your people Israel. (Luke 2:29-32)

For some Christian traditions Candlemas, instead of Epiphany, marks the end of the Christmas season. An old Candlemas tradition, the one from which it gets its name, is the blessing of the candles that will be used throughout the year. The candles are symbolic of Christ, the light of the world. In the following poems Malcolm Guite and Denise Levertov each explore what it means to rely on Jesus as or light in an often dark world.

A Sonnet for Candlemas

by Malcolm Guite

They came, as called, according to the Law.

Though they were poor, and had to keep things simple,

They moved in grace, in quietness, in awe,

For God was coming with them to His temple.

Amidst the outer court’s commercial bustle

They’d waited hours, enduring shouts and shoves,

Buyers and sellers, sensing one more hustle,

Had made a killing on the two young doves.

They come at last with us to Candlemas

And keep the day the prophecies came true

We glimpse with them, amidst our busyness,

The peace that Simeon and Anna knew.

For Candlemas still keeps His kindled light,

Against the dark our Saviour’s face is bright.


by Denise Levertov

With certitude

Simeon opened

ancient arms

to infant light.


before the cross, the tomb

and the new life,

he knew

new life.

What depth

of faith he drew on,

turning illumined

towards deep night.

Prayer for Family

·        For my immediate family (parents, spouse, siblings).

·        For extended family (cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents)

·        For close friends that are as family to me. 

·        For those who don’t have families, or whose families are broken.

·        For forgiveness and reconciliation where there is division in my family.

·        For provision where there is need in my family.

·        For God to be the foundation, and the cross the center of my family. 

·        For a generation yet unborn, future members of our family. 

Closing Prayer
O Lord and King, your Kingdom comes even without our prayer.  But we pray that it would also come among us.  We are desperate for your reign and rule, for all we see is rebellion.  Come into my heart, my home, my family, my work, my church, my community.  Rule with justice and with mercy.  Come, Lord Jesus.  Amen.