That You May Believe: Light- Tuesday

It’s easy for Christians to fall into a rut: Church is a thing you do, prayer is a box to check, and faith seems far from “the real world.”  This fall we let Jesus himself confront our ruts.  “Do you believe this?” he asks (Jn. 11:26). 

To believe in Jesus is to experience him.  It’s more than logic, argument, and doctrine.  It is intimate knowledge of God himself.  This fall, let Jesus himself speak to you in his seven “I AM” statements in the gospel of John.   How is he changing you?  What response is he inspiring in you?  To believe in him changes everything. 


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  


Today we ponder the I AM statement:  “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”  What things does our world hunger and thirst for?  What longings do you have in your life right now?  Ponder how Jesus is the Bread of Life, and how he satisfies all our unmet longing.  


John 8:12
“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

Meditation: Light of Life by Anna Jacob
At summer camp, we would end the week with a camp wide game called Romans and Christians. The campers, playing as Christians, would set out in pairs at dusk to locate the hidden church while trying to avoid detection by the counselors, playing as Romans. The hidden church started off as a candle monitored by a couple of adults, but as the night grew darker, a fire was built.  

Camp became a different place at night. And during this game, the areas you knew so well during the day were no longer safe. To avoid detection, you had to step off of the pathways. Flashlights could not be used. Any movement or loud noise would give you away. You felt safe in dark places where it was harder for others to see you. 

But this was a false sense of security. You could not stay in one place. You had to keep moving and searching for the light. Staying in one place, staying in the darkness, was not truly safe.  

As a camper, locating the hidden church was a relief.

In our reading this week from John, Jesus speaks to “Whoever follows me…” 

Light can direct you. We live in a world that would have us stay in darkness. With Jesus, we do not need to avoid detection. We can follow his example. We can follow him. 

He continues to say, they “…will never walk in darkness…” 

Light brings clarity. It shines on our imperfections. The light does not allow you to hide. Sometimes we can find ourselves more comfortable in the dark. In the shadows, we can hide from our mistakes. In darkness, we do not have to look at ourselves and reflect upon our failures. The light will show us our failings, but it is only in the light that we can truly follow Christ.  

The verse ends with these words, “but [they] will have the light of life.” 

What does it mean to follow Jesus, to have the light of life?  

For me, this means to live in the truth, not to dwell in the dark. To face my fears and my imperfections, but not on my own. I can face each day with God. To have the light of life is to believe in a Savior that lived a perfect life and defeated death. His light, his truth, shines bright for me and for you. 

Dear Lord, thank you for being a bright light in a dark world. Help us to face our fears and imperfections as we rely on your guidance. May we continue to follow you in this life and the next. In your name we pray, Amen. 


Jesus, you said, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”  In this world, I am always longing for more.  Satisfy my deepest hunger, not only for physical nourishment.  I long to be fulfilled and joyful.  I find that only in you.  So be the true bread of my life, and fill me up.  Amen.  


May the grace of the Lord Jesus sanctify us and keep us from all evil; may he drive far from us all hurtful things; may he bind us to himself by the bond of love, and may his peace abound in our hearts.  Amen.