It Is Finished Week 7 | Friday

If you’ve ever had to say goodbye to someone, you treasure the last words spoken.  You remember what was said.  You hold on to those final words.  For Lent in 2021, we are focusing on the last words of Jesus from the cross.  What did he say?  What does it mean for us?  How do those words change us?  This week we focus on the word “triumph.”  To all the world, the cross looked like a defeat. And yet, the final word of Jesus from the cross is a word of victory! “It is finished.”

Invitation Prayer
King of Kings, through your death you triumphed over death. Through your resurrection you have raised me to new life. May your kingdom come. Reign and rule over my life this day. Amen.

Merciful Lord, how often have surrendered to temptation, to the world, to my own sinful desires. How often have I ended the day ashamed and defeated. Yet You have triumphed over them all. Forgive my sins and strengthen my love that in You I may finally win the victory. Amen.

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession.”  (II Cor. 2:14)

What was once a funeral procession is now a victory parade.  Our Lenten journey leads us through pain and distress, the “valley of the shadow of death.”  But it is a triumphal procession because we see the end.  The footsteps of Jesus lead us to and through the grave.  Our songs change from misery in a minor key to joy in a muscular trumpet blast.  Today, thank God for the hammer, nails, and bloody wood.  Thank God for the empty tomb and pile of grave cloths.  Praise God for his mighty victory!

Christ the Victor, lead us in victorious confidence.  Lift our weary heads to march with joy and strength that all may know your victory through our witness.  Amen.

Sending Prayer
I step forward in quiet boldness, Father, for I go forth in your promise, with great expectation and triumphant joy. I praise You Lord, for I have this confidence that the day is already won in Jesus. I praise and glorify Your name now and forevermore. Amen.

*Today’s devotion is taken from It Is Finished by Jeff Cloeter, published by CTA – Christ to All at