The Acts Alliance Week 1 | Wednesday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

“And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh.” Acts 2:17


Today’s meditation is written by Allison Lewis.  
While living in South Florida, sometimes I felt like I was living in another world. South Florida was so culturally different from my easygoing Midwestern upbringing. In my neighborhood, I smelled fried plantains; I tasted Cuban sandwiches with ham, cheese and tangy pickles; I heard different languages spoken; and I befriended people whose skin color was not the same as mine.

At church, the differences were also notable. My congregation was fairly large and encompassed many people and their families each Sunday. I knew of members from Haiti, Mexico, Canada, and all over the United States. I saw older members, newlyweds, college students, new parents, and their babies. Some helped by teaching Sunday School; others were greeters; still others helped with ministry partners to feed the homeless or assisted with Spanish-speaking services.

Despite any perceived outward differences, we all shared one special trait: a faith in our risen Savior, Jesus Christ. Rather than let any differences divide us, I watched our shared Christian faith bring our church closer together and reach more people with the story of God.

As Peter preaches to the crowds in Acts 2, he reminds them of the words of the prophet Joel: “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh” (Acts 2:17). As Christians living in the present, you and I have received the gift of the Holy Spirit through our baptism. God has poured out his spirit on us, and we are called to share the saving gospel news with everyone we meet.

It’s likely that you and I have different friends, different ideas, and different backgrounds, just like my friends and church in South Florida. But don’t let the differences stop you from sharing God’s salvation story with someone who doesn’t know Jesus. Like Peter and the apostles, God has breathed his spirit on you and will grant you the words to say when you need them. Take a step out in faith, and watch God overcome any differences.

Prayer: Lord God, thank you for pouring out your Spirit on your people. Help me to share my faith with others you put in my life. Amen.

Prayer for My Local Church

  • For my local congregation.  My pastors, leaders, and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  I name them . . .
  • For the Spirit’s power to gather and enlarge our congregation.
  • For courage to speak the hope that is within us.
  • For our church to serve and bear witness to our city, town, neighborhood, and community. 
  • For our church to walk together in unity.  Quell any division and build us up in love and humility. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  (II Cor. 13:14)