The Acts Alliance Week 1 | Thursday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

“And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Acts 2:21

Today’s meditation is written by Julianna Shults.
One of the most fantastic parts of my job is that I get to visit and sometimes worship in Lutheran churches across the country. I will always accept a tour of a church building so I can awe over the architecture, iconography, and stained glass. I take my time checking out everything from old golden nameplates to what churches put in their pews to welcome families or guests. Even the most straightforward sanctuaries often hold handmade paraments, thoughtfully curated art, and well-loved hymnals. 

There is something lovely and peaceful about the quiet investigation of a dark sanctuary on a random Thursday afternoon. Every sanctuary is as unique as its congregation. It holds history, memories, scars from age and usage. The church is not a building, but a church’s building certainly tells a story of God’s work. 

In the readings about Pentecost, we see the disciples after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. There is no building here or board of trustees. Instead, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in an upper room and gave them the ability to speak in other tongues. As the Spirit moved them into Jerusalem, they encountered people from many nations. God’s action didn’t contain the Gospel to a select few. Instead, they spread widely the good news of salvation through Jesus. As Peter called for repentance and Baptism, many were saved. 

God continued to work through the disciples, moving them and the Gospel across the world. People of every race, status, age, and community were called together by the Spirit, forgiven and brought into God’s family. God’s work has continued into today, where we find our church. Just like at Pentecost, those whom God has brought to faith come from every place and walk of life. 

Our appearance, church buildings, and communities may look dramatically different. Yet, the same God is at work in them. Every church I walk into is unique, but they are the same when Jesus is preached in truth.  God continues his works in Baptism, Communion and Scripture to bring faith, life, joy, and peace to people. 

The Holy Spirit continues to act today in our congregation and in congregations across the country and across the world. Peter at Pentecost reminds us that everyone who calls on the name of Jesus will be saved. We trust in this promise today and we continue to rejoice in the salvation through Jesus alone. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father who sent Your Spirit to descend on the disciples at Pentecost, send your Spirit to use that we can be given faith and gather together in Your name. Bring us together despite our differences that we might know salvation in Jesus alone. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

For the Worldwide Church

  • For unity of the one, holy, Christian church.  Across borders, languages, colors, and denominations.  
  • Rebuke the church where she has strayed:  Where divided, misguided, in error, or in poor witness.  Judge and forgive us. 
  • Judge and eradicate Christian hypocrisy.  Remove false teaching that leads people away from the truth.  Make us humble and repentant.  
  • For Christians in places where they are persecuted or in minority.  For boldness, strength, and provision where their lives are at risk for the sake of the gospel.  
  • For reconciliation where there is division in the Christian church.  

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.  Amen.  (Rom. 15:13)