The Acts Alliance Week 4 | Friday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

“And as Jesus reclined at table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were reclining with Jesus and his disciples.” Matthew 9:10

Today’s meditation is written by Allison Lewis.

One of my favorite parts of life is all of the various meals that take place. Some of them are impromptu summer barbecues with a text at 3 p.m. that says, “Hey, we’re grilling in the backyard; please come after 5 p.m. and bring something to share!” Others are planned dinners, with elaborate multi-course menus and carefully selected dinnerware and shiny utensils and candles and cloth napkins. There are endless nights of greasy Chinese takeout or spicy Indian curry that gets scooped up with warm garlic naan. And I can’t forget the nights of homemade pizza and a bottle of wine.

Regardless of the situation, the most important part of any meal is the people that you are sharing the meal with. I could eat the most bland, boring turkey sandwich ever and not care at all, as long as I was spending quality time with a friend or loved one. As much as I appreciate the ambiance of a meal and the food to match, it’s really the relationship-building aspect that I hold closest to my heart.

As Matthew writes in his gospel, Jesus and his disciples are having a meal (Matt. 9). In fact, they are sharing this meal with people that the Pharisees, Jewish leaders and the majority of society frowned upon. Why? Jesus was eating with “many tax collectors and sinners” (Matt. 9:10). This was viewed as a social faux pas—Jesus and his disciples were sharing a meal with the outcasts of Jewish society.

Jesus is making a point when he shares a meal with these sinners and tax collectors. He is showing the world that anyone and everyone is welcome at his table, no matter their status, background or cooking skill. If you’re hungry, need a friend to talk to, or are looking for a group to join, Jesus shows us that his table is always available, no questions asked.

This week, I challenge you to take a look around your table—indoors or outdoors. Who is sitting at your table? Can you make room for one or two more, no questions asked? Jesus calls us to follow his lead and welcome neighbors and strangers to the table. Don’t miss the opportunity to stop, see, notice and invite others to your table. And don’t miss the chance to share the story of Jesus with them.

Prayer: Lord, thank you so much for being present at our table. Please bless those who will gather around our table this week. Amen.

For the Mission of God Through the Church

  • Give us, who are your sent ones, your compassion for your lost ones.
  • Keep us from becoming so preoccupied with ourselves that we lose our sense and purpose of being on your mission. 
  • Preserve us from the paralysis of fear.  Help us glory in nothing save in the cross of Jesus Christ.
  • For missionaries in hard-to-reach places around the world.
  • For Christians who are living under intense persecution, who risk their lives for the name of Jesus Christ. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  (II Cor. 13:14)