The Acts Alliance Week 4 | Thursday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

“As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth, and he said to him, ‘Follow me.’” (Matthew 9:9)

Today’s meditation is written by Koleen Barnes.

When I graduated college I got a job in the sales world. Well, we will call it “sales adjacent.” I spent the majority of my time around coworkers who were very good at their jobs. When my mother came to visit me a few months after I started, I was eager to show off my office and have her meet my coworkers. 

When she arrived, I made introductions and we chatted a little bit, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary to me. Shortly after leaving the building, she made a joking comment about how she didn’t trust anyone I worked with because they all complimented her about something. One about her shoes, another her shirt, and a third commented on how she had fixed her hair. She also mentioned that everyone addressed her by name and used her name frequently in conversation.

I initially chalked this up to being in an office surrounded by sales people, but the more I think about this interaction and see similar ones now, my opinion on it has changed. When I am in the office, I often see coworkers complimenting each other about something. Maybe someone added a decoration to their desk or bought a new outfit. Let’s be honest, anything other than sweatpants after this year is to be recognized. I recently discussed this weird phenomenon with a previous coworker and she had noticed it, too, and even noticed that both of us had picked up this habit of complimenting. 

Think about how you feel when someone remembers your name. For me, that is the same feeling when someone gives me a compliment or asks about something I am wearing or doing. Both make me feel seen. Recently, I find myself giving out more compliments. Now these little comments are genuine and I am a firm believer in the idea that if you slow down, you can find something to mention about everyone you meet. A simple sentence here and there to a coworker, stranger, or even a friend can do wonders. By slowing down and acknowledging others, we can also make them feel seen. 

I don’t know about you, but I see God in the little things, and scripture tells us he knows everything about us, even the little things. Imagine how contagious passing on small snippets of each other could be. What if by noticing the little things about others we pass along a little bit of the love God gives to us?

Prayer: Lord, help me to see the beauty in the everyday lives of others. Help me slow down long enough to notice others and let them know that they are seen. Amen.

For the Worldwide Church

  • For unity of the one, holy, Christian church.  Across borders, languages, colors, and denominations.  
  • Rebuke the church where she has strayed:  Where divided, misguided, in error, or in poor witness.  Judge and forgive us. 
  • Judge and eradicate Christian hypocrisy.  Remove false teaching that leads people away from the truth.  Make us humble and repentant.  
  • For Christians in places where they are persecuted or in minority.  For boldness, strength, and provision where their lives are at risk for the sake of the gospel.  
  • For reconciliation where there is division in the Christian church.  

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.  Amen.  (Rom. 15:13)