The Acts Alliance Week 5 | Saturday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  

“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.”  (Mark 8:34-35)

Today’s meditation is written by Jeff Cloeter.

I am annoyed by those who complain that Christians are persecuted in America today. Yes, the church holds less prominence than it used to. Yes, there are legitimate conversations about religious liberty. But go to North Korea, Iran, Syria, or Nigeria. Then our talk of persecution in the United States seems like childish whining.  

Jesus told us that to follow him would mean “taking up our cross” and “losing our lives.” We prefer safe, comfortable, and predictable. What Jesus offers us is anything but that. I sometimes feel ashamed that my life is cushy compared to my brothers and sisters around the world. I’m embarrassed when I talk to my Ethiopian friend, Wondimu.  He shares a story of friends who evangelized a city in a Muslim-majority district in Ethiopia. They were shot at and chased because a family was baptized in the town.  

C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Only a real risk tests the reality of a belief.” I must ask myself, “Do I really believe this? Am I willing to sacrifice for Jesus? Would I even yield my life or family?”  

Praise God that we live in a land of religious liberty. Thank him that our lives or livelihoods are not in danger because of Jesus’ name. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t risks. There are always opportunities to “lose your life for his sake” and to “take up the cross.”  Here are some ideas:  

  • Take a class or start a new hobby as a way to meet people outside your Christian bubble.
  • Serve a ministry or organization that ministers to people in places of the city that aren’t “safe” or “comfortable.” 
  • Welcome and serve a refugee family.
  • Offer to pray with a non-Christian neighbor facing difficulty.
  • Downsize your life.  Sell extra “toys” or possessions and use that money to support a missionary in a country where Christians are a minority.  
  • Invite non-Christian friends into your celebrations of Christmas and Easter.  
  • Pray for places where Christians are openly and actively persecuted for the name of Jesus.

Add your own ideas to the list.  What risk will you take this week for the sake of Jesus?

Lord Jesus, you entered our world at great risk.  It cost you your life.  How can I live in response to your selfless love?  Give me courage to risk for you.  Amen.  

For My Close Christian Community

  • For a few close and trusted Christian brothers or sisters.  Give me encouragement, accountability, godly counsel, and Christian love through these relationships.
  • For a haven of Christian community where I can be loved in Christ, and from that love be sent into the world. 
  • For honest speech and mutual love and care for one another. 

May the almighty and merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, bless and keep us.  Amen.