The Acts Alliance Week 5 | Thursday

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.  


“And Saul approved of his execution.” Acts 8:1a

“And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, ‘If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.’” Mark 8:34

Today’s meditation is written by Julianna Shults.

Saul was earnestly convinced he was doing the right thing as he participated in the martyrdom of Stephen and the persecution against the church. He was sure that his actions were justified to prevent the spread of what he saw as a heresy. Those in authority provided him with encouragement, power, and approval.

The only thing that could change the heart of Saul was Jesus. When God comes to Saul on the road to Damascus, he turns away from everything he had: his status, comfort, safety, and goals. He willingly walks away from everything, denies himself, takes up his cross and follows Jesus, despite the great cost. 

We can be a little judgmental of Saul before his conversion. Yet, we are not that different. Our natural inclination is to look for love, comfort, power, and approval. Social media, television, and movies say to focus on yourself and do what makes you happy. Frankly, it is so much easier to align ourselves with the non-Christian culture and those with worldly power, play it safe, and seek our own joy. We, like Saul, can become convinced that our own way is the right way. 

Just like Saul, only an encounter with Jesus is enough to change our hearts and minds. God comes to us in the waters of Baptism and gives us the beautiful gift of faith. God speaks to us in His living and active Word. We confess and are forgiven each time we seek ourselves, rather than following Jesus. God gathers us together to worship and care for one another. 

The grace and forgiveness in Jesus is compelling. Nothing we find in ourselves, online or in the world compares. We are so deeply and powerfully loved that we cannot help but share that with others. Only God at work in us allows us to take up our cross and follow Jesus. 

We know and pray for those in countries where taking up the cross of Jesus means significant loss and danger. Jesus may lead us to places (physical and digital) where our faith is neither popular nor advantageous. As we do, we are reminded that changing hearts and minds isn’t our job; it is God’s. We cannot argue or nag those who oppose Christianity into belief. Instead, we are light and salt as we follow Jesus and pray that others may encounter our loving and captivating Jesus through our words and deeds. 

Prayer: Jesus, we have sought our own way, our own comfort, and power for ourselves rather than following you. Forgive us and remind us that you are worth more than anything we may lose. Work in and through us to take up our cross and follow you, so that others may know your love as well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

For the Worldwide Church

  • For unity of the one, holy, Christian church.  Across borders, languages, colors, and denominations.  
  • Rebuke the church where she has strayed:  Where divided, misguided, in error, or in poor witness.  Judge and forgive us. 
  • Judge and eradicate Christian hypocrisy.  Remove false teaching that leads people away from the truth.  Make us humble and repentant.  
  • For Christians in places where they are persecuted or in minority.  For boldness, strength, and provision where their lives are at risk for the sake of the gospel.  
  • For reconciliation where there is division in the Christian church.  

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.  Amen.  (Rom. 15:13)