In the Face of Evil Week 1- Monday

This Lent we follow Jesus as he faces evil in the hours before his death.  What is evil? Who is doing evil against Jesus during Passion Week?  What are ways in which we are complicit in evil?  Do we take evil seriously? As we experience evil in our own lives, discover how Jesus stands in the face of evil. 


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, who delivers us from all evil. 

Invitation Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, stay with me.  There is evil within me, and I am so often attentive to it.  I am easily overcome by my own desire to get away from you and be free to have everything I want and to do everything I want.  Lord, give me the real freedom of your life in me.  By your victory over temptation, make me victorious.  By the power of your love make me strong.  Amen.  (from The Lutheran Book of Prayer, CPH, 1970)

Luke 22:2
“And the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus, for they were afraid of the people.”

Meditation: Out of the Group by Anna Jacob
Being friends in middle school was not an easy task, especially amongst groups of young girls. Cliques would form, and girls would look for opportunities to keep their place among the group. Very often, one girl was singled out and then no longer allowed to hang out or associate with the other girls. This did not always happen during school hours or in front of others. Instead, it could occur during a girls’ only party, sleepover, or a private conversation, typically with your closest friend from that group. 

I would know because I have been that girl, but I have also been the girl trying to keep quiet and keep her place. And sadly, I have been the girl that has wanted someone out of the group. 

It may only take one person to start the process, choosing the individual to be kicked out. Soon a majority joins the leader. A few may disagree, but their silence is not loud enough to drown out the opinion of others. The decision is made. This girl must go. 

It does not matter the reason. This situation seems cruel. And as I reflect on it now, these actions were evil. 

From our text this week, we are looking at Luke 22. In verse 2, we read that “the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus.” Here is a group, the Jewish leaders, wanting Jesus kicked out. They just needed to find a way. Then we read that Judas agrees to help and in verse 6, “He consented, and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present.”

This betrayal, however, was not a small slight. They wanted Jesus kicked out of the group—permanently. This was a plot to kill. 

Yet, God in his mercy, took this evil and turned it into the ultimate good. He sent Jesus to atone for all. Even those of us who have done evil to others. God spoke up for us on that cross. We are in his group. We cannot be kicked out.  

Dear God, thank you for allowing me to remain in your group. You look past my faults and choose to keep me. Help me today to better serve those I see as outside of my own group. In your name we pray, Amen. 


In the face of evil, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.  Amen.