It Is Finished Week 4 | Thursday

If you’ve ever had to say goodbye to someone, you treasure the last words spoken.  You remember what was said.  You hold on to those final words.  For Lent in 2021, we are focusing on the last words of Jesus from the cross.  What did he say?  What does it mean for us?  How do those words change us?  This week, we focus on the word “compassion.”  In an act of compassion, Jesus cared for his widowed mother by commending her to his disciple John.  Even as he was dying on the cross, he looked down in love and said, “Woman, behold, your son.”  

Invitation Prayer
O God, the Psalm says, “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.”  (Psalm 103:13)  So I am quick to run to you.  I know you look on me with compassion.  So I come to you first.  I rush into your arms.  I speak into your ear.  As my Father in heaven, hear my voice today.  In Jesus name, Amen.  

Forgive my sins, O Lord – forgive me the sins of my present and the sins of my past, the sins of my soul and the sins of my body; the sins which I have done to please myself, and the sins which I have done to please others.  Forgive me my wasted and idle sins, forgive me my serious and deliberate sins, forgive me those sins which I know and those sins which I know not, the sins which I have labored so to hide from others that I have hid them from my own memory.  Forgive them, O Lord, forgive them all. 

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt. 5:3)

Are you at a loss?  Like Mary, have you witnessed a horrific tragedy?  Has a loved one been taken from you?  Do you stand weeping, not sure what’s next, unable to take a step?  In the beatitudes, Jesus calls people like this “blessed.”  He loves those who are let down, at the end of their rope, and on their last leg.  Jesus has his eye on the desperate and needy.  “Those who mourn,” “the meek,” “those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.”  

Jesus was in agony on the cross.  Yet John writes that “he saw his mother” and “the disciple whom he loved.”  His vision is always outward.  He set aside his own needs for the sake of others.  If you identify with the lowly and least, count yourself in good company.  

 Jesus, bless the poor in spirit.  May I also be found in such company, for there is your kingdom.  Amen. 

Sending Prayer
Lord of compassion, you have called us into a new family by the blood of your cross.  Give us your spirit of compassion that we might love one another as you have loved us.  You love me and you send me.  I now go in your name.  Amen.  

*Today’s devotion is taken from It Is Finished by Jeff Cloeter, published by CTA – Christ to All at

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